Monday, April 16, 2012

Mac Supercomputer Reveal


Step One  This blog details some of the operations of the Big Brain's supercomputing methodology. Let's talk about the Right Brain which has Mac computers connected together. Do you have two Macs? If so, let's see what we can do to increase efficiency. In this first step reveal, we'll learn how to connect Mac Computers and use the resources from one Mac on another Mac. This can include hard drives, printers, attached Propeller chip data, folders, files, the Desktop, Flash Drives and other devices. Managing these resources makes supercomputing easier. Again, this is the first step in the most simple config.

To begin, we'll take a new iMac, a half TB drive, two full TB capacity drives and connect to an INTEL Based Duo Core MacBook. First find a short length Ethernet cable and connect one Mac to the other, same as you would connect internet to the Ethernet port. Next, boot one Mac and go into the System Preferences and setup File Sharing. Remember to set privileges for yourself and if you used passwords, enter those as required. Keep in mind the name of the computer as indicated in the setup window. Repeat the process after booting up the second Mac. Go to the finder and open the window and you should see the other computer name and icon. Double click it and access some folders. If everything is set up correctly, you'll be online connected between both computers and can access one from the other, including all the available peripherals and internals. This is the beginning of your new supercomputing network. We may continue this upgrade reveal, showing how to add more computers in the future and handle parallel operations, even parallel programming - the key to supercomputing.