Sunday, March 17, 2013

Q Machine

A fantastic new Q Machine is now completed. It's based on the former project known as the QuadLyzer which is use to study quantum mechanics. Don't be confused; while the assembly of the Q could not be more simple, the theory behind the machine and the software is advanced, and thus we're offering a rating for this project which determines the level at a glance.

The Q is the expanded version with new software apps and more simulations. New information will appear here in this post. These programs include quantum reflection and quantum sump and can be run within four dimensions of the Q. This site can publish photos unfortunately not the code. So it's likely we will paste text, either the complete program, or key parts of the program. The previous app is being updated before publication. Additional information will be included below. We've also introduced the machine project level classification. Posting of new information and new software will be discontinued in other Forums.

Project Level
Go ahead and review the 031713 Project Level and disclaimer to determine if you are interested in this project.

031713 Project Level (bold indicates selection)
14) Project Focus (Quantum Mechanics)
02) Machine Type (Deterministic Multi Dimension Multi Processor)
13) Processor (Stamp, Propeller, Hybrid)
04) Status (Complete, In Progress)
12) Ideas (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
00) Level of Understanding (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
06) Theory (Grade, Jr. High, High, Undergrad, Masters, PhD)
07) Operation (Easy, Average, Above Average, Complex)
01) Hardware Assembly (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
03) Schematic (Yes, No)
05) Electronic Parts (All Parallax, Part Parallax)
17) HW Interface (Serial, Parallel, Hybrid)
08) Expansion Info (Yes, No)
02) Software (Full App*, Starter Samples, None)
04) Photos (Yes, No)  Video (Yes, Not Yet)
09) Links for Further Reading (Yes, No)
11) Blogger (Yes, No)
10) Plan to add more info (Yes, No, Maybe)
18) Addtl. Comments (Full app being reworked for release)*

This is a BASIC Stamp Cluster Reflective Quantum Analyzer, simply known as a Q machine. I built this project due to my increasing interest in Quantum Mechanics. Although it’s for my own personal use, education, and experimenting, I decided to share the idea for others who may have similar interests.

About Q
The Q is a machine that can reflect representative states of the Quantum World. It accomplishes this inside four processors representing at least four space dimensions. These are held as algorithmic states and parameters, located inside multiple networked clustered parallel processors.

Although I wanted to open an actual door to a quantum dimension like some recent physics experiments, it will have to wait because I realized it’s important to first understand Quantum Mechanics rules, effects and behaviors. This machine was built to simulate and study various parts of the quantum world, in particular, quantum reflections.

The Q machine has four deterministic parallel clustered cores to perform the reflections and is built from Parallax parts. It includes a four line x 20 character serial LCD display to set inputs and display results, enumerators for core and reflective tracking, speakers and LEDs to supplement code states and particulate announcements, and 8-Bit Parallel and 4-Bit Micro I/O Interfaces for various communications and effects. Stamps were used over Propellers because they’re easy to program for this application and I wanted to keep Propeller chips doing other things.

Quantum Mirroring
Like the example of two real world mirrors of reflective dimension facing each other which represent infinity reflections, the Q too can reflect more dimensions from baseline to infinity and states in between.

No Offset Limit
Yet these mirrors inside the machine have no real world offset so the infinity of the reflective state is “figuratively unlimited,” i.e. only bound by the machine’s clock and number of statements executed per unit time. For experiments, the limit of Raw Reflections peaks at 16,000 per second for the 4X BS2 while Inversions are clocked at 8,000 per second. For calibrations, the processor(s) speed and time, along with the changing angle of space determines the calculus rate at which the number of reflections approach infinity.

Mirror Convexure Infinity

LED Mirror

Q Tips
More information, sample code and tips for developing and using the Q machine are available at the Blogger site.

The Counter Intuitive Phenomenon
A brief intro to the counter intuitive phenomenon of quantum reflection is found at this blog.

Q’s PBASIC and QOS versions are designed to be a continual work in progress since the project went public on October 23, 2012. Starter PBASIC code examples are found here. 

Quadlyzer Quantum Analyzer
Quantum Space
New Universe Theory
Inner Space Era Expanded

Living in a Quantum World
According to standard physics textbooks, quantum mechanics is the theory of the microscopic world. It describes particles, atoms and molecules but gives way to ordinary classical physics on the macroscopic scales of pears, people and planets. Somewhere between molecules and pears lies a boundary where the strangeness of quantum behavior ends and the familiarity of classical physics begins. Scientific American, May 18, 2011

Quantum Mechanics QM
Quantum mechanics (QM – also known as quantum physics, or quantum theory) is a branch of physics dealing with physical phenomena at microscopic scales, where the action is on the order of the Planck constant. Quantum mechanics departs from classical mechanics primarily at the quantum realm of atomic and subatomic length scales. Wikipedia

Quantum Reflection
Quantum reflection is a classically counter intuitive phenomenon whereby the motion of particles is reverted "against the force" acting on them. This effect manifests the wave nature of particles and influences collisions of ultra-cold atoms and interaction of atoms with solid surfaces.