Monday, October 14, 2013

UT BASIC Stamp Supercomputer

Tentative New UT BASIC Stamp Supercomputer
A new spinoff of the BSS is in the design works.

The intended configuration will have the smallest physical design of all BASIC Stamp supercomputers created to this date. The current plan is for a plane of processors, not a stack. A tiny green board will be used with sockets and computers, and will plug in and unplug for reconfiguring. This may end up as an Ultra Tiny shirt pocket sized machine. Plans are to include a version of Tiny AI that will run on a sub-core level of the machine's capacity, probably the first three cores. If time permits, a larger core Tiny AI version will be written. At this time, two Tiny AI programs exist, one for 3-cores (the Tri-Core) and one for 10-cores (SEED). 

Tentative New UT BASIC Stamp Supercomputer